Tuesday, July 22, 2008


As amatur podcasts its pretty much a given that we don't know what we're doing. All you have to do is listen to episode 1 to know that. We're also alot of other things though, and unfortunatly we have come to the realization that many people who are involved with online activities come to. That is: sometimes, real life really really gets in the way.
At the begining of the summer we decided that rather than go on hiatus until fall, we would keep doing podcasts and cross our fingers that it all worked out. Unfortunatly, this didn't happen the way we had imagined it. At the same time that I was trying to do episode 10 I was preparing to be out of town, and now I'm going away again. In a nutshell, there just hasn't been time for the podcast, or the website, no matter how much I wanted to work on it.
In the very near future we hope to be back, but I can't promise it will be tommorow. It will happen though.

in the meantime, I found this both amusing, and a good argument for the overanalyzation we so love around here :)


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